Let's Root For each other and watch us Grow! 6th Grade Math & Science
Welcome back, I am excited to begin this adventure with all of our future leaders in Science. My goal for the year is to help our mathematician, scientist and family stay current and up-to-date with what is happening. All of our science learning is aligned with the expectations of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and as we work in Amplify Science our students will take on roles with real world applications. For example, we will have astronomers, food scientists, medical students, etc. as they ask and answer questions to figure out interesting everyday phenomenon. As we work together this year to learn how to think, read, write, talk, and act like true scientists.
Please consider this an ever evolving work space.

In the Microbiome unit, students learn about the trillions of microorganisms that live on and in the human body, which all together are called the human microbiome. As they figure out what’s going with one patient’s microbiome, students get familiar with the practices of science, including the specific ways that scientists investigate, talk, read, write, and argue. These practices will be important as students study science throughout the year, and beyond.
Skyline 6th Grade Math
In grade 6, students extend their reasoning about area to include shapes that are not composed of rectangles. Doing this draws on abilities developed in earlier grades to compose and decompose shapes, for example, to see a rectangle as composed of two congruent right triangles. Through activities designed and sequenced to allow students to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them , students build on these abilities and their knowledge of areas of rectangles to find the areas of polygons by decomposing and rearranging them to make figures whose areas they can determine . They learn strategies for finding areas of parallelograms and triangles, and use regularity in repeated reasoning (MP8) to develop formulas for these areas, using geometric properties to justify the correctness of these formulas. They use these formulas to solve problems. They understand that any polygon can be decomposed into triangles, and use this knowledge to find areas of polygons. Students find the surface areas of polyhedra with triangular and rectangular surfaces. They study, assemble, and draw nets for polyhedra and use nets to determine surface areas. Throughout, they discuss their mathematical ideas and respond to the ideas of others